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Displaying 6031 to 6039 (of 6678 products)
  • Vandoren Traditional Soprano Saxophone Reeds - Box of 10

    Vandoren Traditional Soprano Saxophone Reeds - Box of 10

    This reed is designed to produce a quality of extremely pure sound due to a very thin reed tip (the area of reed with maximum vibration), balanced by a solid vertebral column (more cane in the area which climbs gradually to the heel). Traditionals feature the thinnest tip with the thickest heart, resulting in crisp articulation with a full, dark sound. Strengths available : 1 - 1,5 - 2 - 2,5 - 3 - 3,5 - 4 - 5

  • Vandoren Traditional Tenor Saxophone Reeds - Box of 5

    Vandoren Traditional Tenor Saxophone Reeds - Box of 5

    The Vandoren Traditional Tenor Saxophone reed is one of our best selling reed for Tenor Sax. Used by Professionals, Educators and Students this reed suit all styles of music. This reed is designed to produce a quality of extremely pure sound due to a very thin reed tip (the area of reed with maximum vibration), balanced by a solid vertebral column (more cane in the area which climbs gradually to the heel). Traditionals feature the thinnest tip with the thickest heart, resulting in crisp articulation with a full, dark sound. Strengths available : 1 - 1,5 - 2 - 2,5 - 3 - 3,5 - 4 - 5 Made in France.

  • Vandoren Traditional Tenor Saxophone Reeds - Card of 3

    Vandoren Traditional Tenor Saxophone Reeds - Card of 3

    This reed is designed to produce a quality of extremely pure sound due to a very thin reed tip (the area of reed with maximum vibration), balanced by a solid vertebral column (more cane in the area which climbs gradually to the heel). Traditionals feature the thinnest tip with the thickest heart, resulting in crisp articulation with a full, dark sound. Strengths available : 1,5 - 2 - 2,5 - 3

  • Vandoren Traditional V5 Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece

    Vandoren Traditional V5 Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece

    These mouthpieces are available in a wide variety of models that suit classical and jazz musicians. The V5 series is characterized by a traditional round chamber. Vandoren Traditional V5 Lay Models: A15 - Very easy blowing. A17 - While maintaining perfect homogeneity in every register, it allies timbre and ease with richness of sound. A20 - For those looking for a compact, centered sound. A25 - Similar in conception to the A15 but a little more open. A27 - The classic mouthpiece. It produces optimal homogeneity in tone throughout the instrument’s range. A28 - The alto saxophone reference in the V5 series. Rich sound, color, brilliance, and dynamic range. A35 - Open mouthpiece, well-adapted to all styles, both jazz and classical. A45 - Offers the same qualities as the A35. Ideal for Be-Bop. A55 - The most open mouthpiece, its sound and colour are shaped by the player.

  • Vandoren Traditional V5 Baritone Mouthpiece

    Vandoren Traditional V5 Baritone Mouthpiece

    These mouthpieces are available in a wide variety of models that suit classical and jazz musicians. The V5 series is characterized by a traditional round chamber. Vandoren Traditional V5 Lay Models: B25 - Rich in timbre and easy blowing. B27 - Very homogeneous tone throughout the tessitura. B35 - Classic open mouthpiece, highly responsive to every need. B75 - Timbre, brilliance and power. Jazz B95 - The jazz mouthpiece of the V5 baritone range.

  • Vandoren Traditional V5 Soprano Saxophone Mouthpiece

    Vandoren Traditional V5 Soprano Saxophone Mouthpiece

    These mouthpieces are available in a wide variety of models that suit classical and jazz musicians. The V5 series is characterized by a traditional round chamber. Vandoren V16 Lay Models: S15 - The standard soprano mouthpiece. S25 - More open than the S15, greatly appreciated for its register flexibility, suits both classical and jazz. S27 - Easy to play, homogeneity of sound, beautifully rounded. S35 - A very open tip, long facing, the Jazz mouthpiece

  • Vandoren Traditional V5 Tenor Tenor Mouthpiece

    Vandoren Traditional V5 Tenor Tenor Mouthpiece

    These mouthpieces are available in a wide variety of models that suit classical and jazz musicians. The V5 series is characterized by a traditional round chamber. Vandoren Traditional V5 Lay Models: T15 - Very easy blowing and articulation. T20 - The best sound quality: compact and centered. T25 - Same conception as the T15 but slightly more open. T27 - A comfortable mouthpiece, particularly precise in the upper harmonic register.. T35 - An open mouthpiece that works in every style.

  • Vandoren Tradititional Alto Clarinet Reeds - Box of 10

    Vandoren Tradititional Alto Clarinet Reeds - Box of 10

    Traditionals are known for their excellent response in all registers, allowing a pianissimo attack in even the highest notes. They are also extremely flexible, allowing the legato or staccato execution of large intervals while maintaining a richness of tone that gives body and clarity to the sound, which is a hallmark of Vandoren reeds.

  • Vandoren V12 Alto Saxophone - Box of 10

    Vandoren V12 Alto Saxophone - Box of 10

    The success of V•12 reeds in the clarinet world for 25 years has led us to transpose their characteristics and advantages into the saxophone world. With its very precise attack, homogeneous timbre in every register, controlled high notes, warm and velvety sound, this new reed offers exceptional possibilities. Produced from cane selected for its specific proportions, the V•12 reeds have a thicker heel and are cut on a longer palette with a slightly thicker tip than the Traditional. The longer palette means that more of the reed is vibrating, resulting in a deeper, richer sound. The thicker tip gives body to the attack and also increases the longevity of the reed. Strengths available : 2,5 - 3 - 3,5 - 4 - 4,5 - 5

Displaying 6031 to 6039 (of 6678 products)