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Chicks on Picks - Angel

Chicks on Picks - Angel
Chicks on Picks - Angel
27.50 incl. GST
Grover Allman
In Stock

Chicks on Picks Angel guitar picks feature the incredible paintings of Pittsburgh based artist Dave Nestler. The featured Models/Musicians include, Miki Black, Carina Lirola and Asia Devinyl.

Pack of 25 Angel Guitar Picks

Chicks on Picks guitar picks and feature the incredible paintings of Pittsburgh based artist Dave Nestler. The featured Models/Musicians include, Miki Black, Carina Lirola and Asia Devinyl.

Glamour/Erotic artist Dave Nestler has featured in such publications as, Playboy, Penthouse, Heavy Metal, Vivid Video Comix, Marquis, Skin Too, Fetish, Femme Fatales, amongst others.

These polycarbonate picks feature full colour printing.

Picks are medium gauge (0.8mm) polycarbonate.

You can also buy these picks in Multi Packs of 5 assorted picks.

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