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Hannabach 800 Series Black - Medium Tension

Hannabach 800 Series Black - Medium Tension
Hannabach 800 Series Black - Medium Tension
33.00 incl. GST
800 MT
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Clear Nylon Silver Plated Basses

Hannabach 800 Medium Tension Classical Guitar Strings made in Germany.

The 800 series basses are wound with silver-plated copper wire around a nylon-multifilament, they sound brilliant, but not instrusive and provide a decent bass tone. The trebles, made from high-density nylon, offer the typical, slightly damped sound of nylon strings. Today the 800 series is the high-level entry into the world of Hannabach.

Available in five tensions as complete, bass or treble sets as well as single strings.

Made for instruments with scale 65cm/25.5".

Trebles: nylon, plain

Basses: silver-plated, wound

Made in Germany

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