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Herdim Peg Shaper Standard 3/4-4/4 730102

Herdim Peg Shaper Standard 3/4-4/4 730102
Herdim Peg Shaper Standard 3/4-4/4 730102
537.00 incl. GST
Out Of Stock

The brass bodies are fitted with double-sided blades which display high cutting performance and excellent edge life.

The Herdim Standard Peg Shaper for Viola and 3/4 & 4/4 Violins have brass bodies are fitted with double-sided blades which display high cutting performance and excellent edge life. Re-sharpening the blades is not recommended due to the different hardening of the cutting edges. The soft plastic case provides a comfortable, non-slip grip. All peg shapers come with instructions for use and a hexagonal key for adjusting the blade. Made in Germany.

  • Taper 1:30
  • Violin/Viola Standard
  • Working Length 50mm

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